Use Cases


Protecting your copyright is important in the internet age. Copying your original work is easy. Generative AI creates endless derivates of your work. With Proofivy you can claim your copyright with 100% certainty, while keeping your content 100% secret. Protect your most valuable work with one button press. This can be a photo, a post, anything.


Creating new original ideas is hard. Anyone can claim your work. Proofivy provides irrefutable proof that you were first while keeping the content secret. This provides perfect peace of mind.

“This is exactly what I need!” | anonymous science book writer


Create a digital and secret trail of your important results, hypotheses, and ideas. You will have the best possible proof that you were first and that your results are legit. You will have the best possible legal defense in case of disputes. Proofivy is perfect if you work together with other labs and companies.

“Proofivy is an innovative solution that addresses the critical issue of data integrity, providing us with the means to safeguard our information and establish verifiable proof of its creation and ownership. Proofivy's key feature is enabling researchers to commit data hashes to the immutable and timestamped blockchain, providing irrefutable proof of authenticity. It safeguards our work, prevents manipulation or plagiarism, and resolves disputes over authorship or research accuracy. Furthermore, Proofivy promotes collaboration by allowing the registration of the conception of our ideas without revealing their content. This feature greatly enhances freedom in sharing ideas, fostering a more collaborative research environment." | scientist at The Lab For Germinal Center Biology

We offer custom software for our clients

software engineer

Apple recently announced plans to implement a blockchain-inspired system for storing binary hashes, with the goal of providing an extremely secure system for their server AI. This approach leverages the immutability and distributed nature of blockchain technology to safeguard critical software components.

At Proofivy, we have been developing a similar system that offers even greater security features. Like Apple's solution, Proofivy allows you to post binary hashes onchain, creating an immutable record. However, we have incorporated additional functionalities to further enhance the security and usability of our platform.

We have created an automatic GitHub release integration. Secondly, you have the option to utilize multisig functionality. This means that multiple authorized individuals must sign off on the commit before it is finalized. Multisig technology has a proven track record, successfully protecting billions of dollars worth of digital assets. By requiring consensus from multiple parties, you can mitigate the risk of unauthorized changes and ensure the integrity of your software.

Reach out if you want access to our platform or have more questions.