Technical Notes


A CID or content identifier is used by IPFS, to point a file. CID's are based on cryptographic hashes of files, see the documentation.

Calculate CID

To calculate a hash of your file use our Streamlit app or CLI app.

proofivy filename


Proofivy is currently deployed on Optimism. We advice using a hardware wallet.

Proofivy smart contract

All commited CID's, messages, and signatures are stored onchain and can be called by other smart contracts. Every CID and message commit also emits and event.

Address and source code

Proofivy address Optimism: 0x7fe3Ee287cf0bA7C1f19dD50fe7564eA7898ac55
Proofivy address Optimism: 0xCc26e45546DCb8D747C2bB69e348F0515EF3eFc5 (old)
Proofivy address Polygon PoS: 0xAD67cB5Cd9c8839E4f485322bD9585d652D60DA1 (old)
Proofivy address Polygon PoS: 0xCc26e45546DCb8D747C2bB69e348F0515EF3eFc5 (old)

Source code and ABI are available on optimism etherscan and GitHub. There is also a Jupyter notebook with a few Python scripts for getting onchain Proofivy data.